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About Us
Background & Philosophy
We are a small group of professional Musicians, Composers, Producers & Engineers that for the past 20 years have performed in world-class venues, recorded in some of the finest studios and produced well-known tracks for top recording artists, films, games and other media. But we are humble and believe that sharing our knowledge is our obligation. We do not aim to leverage our experience by name-dropping our work and collaborations since we want you to take the knowledge and read our reviews and make your own mind up. We could easily sway a purchaser by name-dropping a big track or artist where we have used a product we recommend, so we don't do that and risk the integrity of the review.
Throughout our experience, from watching the analogue studio days transform into digital music days and then beyond all our wildest dreams into the super-connected global digital music marketplace, we have built studios, created and produced works and released into the ether achieving huge global success with some projects. In contrast, small successes with works we are often more proud of than the famous ones. In the process we have learned what works and what doesn't and how to achieve a lot with limited resources, somewhat entrepreneurial style.
Of course, with success comes choice, in fact, unlimited and confusing choice. We love shiny, brightly flashing things and can buy gear all day, but with our experience and maturity we have moved beyond that to the point where we define perfection in a studio as the studio matching the musical requirements and objectives of its user, enabling the production of the desired output.
We are primarily based in Europe but are frequently in the US. We have experience from many countries around the world, in fact spanning all continents. We are a company incorporated in London as Muxu Media Ltd, and we operate across Europe principally, but also explore the US market as much as we can. We do not tie ourselves too strongly to our desks since our musical work makes us travel around the world, we have learned to be digital nomads, making music all the way. I guess we are classic 'digital nomads'. This of course is something our knowledge and advice aims to empower our website visitors to achieve as well.
Our Aim
We want to help Musicians and Producers reach the peak of their ability in the recording studio and that means demystifying the studio and all of its key elements. We appreciate that most people are time-poor so we aim to be 'to the point' in everything and to reduce the time you have to spend in trawling the web for information.
How We Fund Our Business
We earn some commission from some of the products we review and feature should a reader go on and purchase via one of our links, within a short period of time, however, whether we can earn or not has no bearing on what we will review, what we will say and what we will promote. Many of the products or services we recommend will earn us nothing, but that's OK since we care more about making an impartial suggestion than anything else.
We do not sell advertising space on our website and no manufacturer can pay for a review or to be featured. We will only put forward what we know and like, whether we can earn from it or not. The broader information on our own site is built, maintained and updated by us at our own cost.
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